
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Databases running in compatibility range, upgrade recommended (for BdcServiceDatabase)

The SharePoint Health Analyzer showed the below error after March 2013 PU Upgrade for SharePoint 2013.

Title:  Databases running in compatibility range, upgrade recommended. 
Severity: 2 - Warning 
Category: Configuration 
The following databases have versions that are older than the current SharePoint software, but are within the backwards compatible range:SP_BDC_DB

- When I browsed to the Upgrade and Migration -> Review database status

Run the below command in SharePoint Management Shell

(Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.type -match "BdcServiceDatabase"}).Provision()

Now if you try to open the BCS Service Application you get the below error.

To fix this give the BCS Service Applications’ App Pool Account SPDataAccess on the BCS database.

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