
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to Rename a SharePoint 2007 WebApplication

There are couple ways of doing this:

1) Un-extending your web application and re-extending it again [I haven’t done this, as I felt this was risky.]
2) The method which I am going to detail in this post.

I was doing this on my PRODUCTION directly. So I preferred the second method.This is the least risky way of doing this.
If I have a web application named,and I want to rename it to
How do I do this?

Follow the below steps:

1) Login to your Central administration.
2) Alternate Access Mappings. Add one more entry for [The new entry is ].Chose the zone as Intranet.
3) Edit Bindings in IIS. Add one more entry for [The new Host Name entry is ].
5) Make the host entries in DNS.

P.S. Note that you will lose your alerts and workflows associations by doing this.

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